This year has been good and probably one of the more active game-development-wise. Around March and April, thank God, I had the opportunity to work with Cartoon Network to make a re-skin of Imbossible with a Teen Titans Go! theme. It was one of the most intense and gratifying experiences I've had. The whole process was awesome and I remember when I got the e-mail from one of FGL's staff telling me about the deal quite well.
You can find the game here, and I'm also showing a screenshot in the image below. I have to say that I loved the simple, yet balanced and cartoonishly amazing art from the show.
Also I worked on some games for Mathnook, which are MathBulbs and Coin Count, as well as other versions of a previous game I made in the past with Math twists.
I also finished Autodestructor, which was sponsored by (a site from MathNook's network). This, I should say, was my first AS3 game. I know, a bit late to get on the bus, but I worked all my past games in AS2 until this year.

And finally, I'm working on a game (pontentially) called Shadowscape, which will be a challenging platformer with a twist in the middle of the game and its own life-gaining mechanic. It's basically finished, which was a goal I set to achieve before the year ended.

So I can only thank God once more and hope for to take off soon and for a bigger and better 2014, which I also hope you all have! Happy New Year and God bless!!
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