viernes, 31 de diciembre de 2010

The last post of the year... this year

So, I just remembered this very day that last year I made a "last post of the year" post, so I decided to do that again, though this year has not been a very active one blogwise. And I must say I feel like I was writing that post like a month ago :s Anyway, let's talk about what this year in the games.

As I always do, I thank God for all the opportunities He gave me, and this time I'm glad I could bring out a new platformer game called Imbossible. This game was born with an idea I had about this issue bothering you like when you have a friend pausing and unpausing the game so you kill yourself. That was implemented in the game, but as the idea evolved it came to be a game where someone (the Boss) makes your way difficult by bringing new obstacles and mechanics and all type of things that could bother you or make your way a not so easy one. Apart from being a game of mine, I enjoy it a lot. I tried to make it something fresh and creative, and I think it met the purpose in a good part. The game was sponsored by We inserted some ads into the game, and it was very well received as the statistics reveals. Thank God it gets a good amount of plays every day. Btw, I'm planning on making the second part, which will hopefully be released this year and I'm already writing down this time's challenges >:P

Another game that came out this year was the one I commented on my last post and it was Head Action World Cup, the second installment of the Head Action Soccer series. I made my best to make a game that stands up to the event of the World Cup. There was also a new version of the game made specially for the classic match between Barcelona and Real Madrid. Both of them were sponsored and can be played at As for this game I hope to make an online multiplayer version some time, but I don't have anything concrete yet. I also want to make a Spanish League version, which I hope can be done soon.

This is not something very game-wise (despite the fact that I bought some ps3 games :P) but something really good that happened this year was the trip to New York that my girlfriend, my sister & a friend made on October. It was so great to know that awesome city. I thank God (& my parents) for that oportunity and hope to go back someday :) It was something that my girlfriend and I were wanting since the beginning of the year so it was great to be able to finally see it come true.

So that was about it with this year's activity. Hope you had an awesome year and an even better one for 2011. Blessings!

viernes, 9 de abril de 2010

It's back!

I'm happy to be writing this because it means 2 things. The first one is that thank God I finally finished the platformer game I was working on. Maybe I'll write some more about it later and about the mechanics of the game and else. The second thing and what excites me at this moment is that I have started working on the new Head Action Soccer. A new version of the game specially for this year's World Cup. I'm very glad about it and beg God it does well and is as well received as the previous one & better. This time, the uniforms are more detailed. I've just finished that part, all the uniforms are ready, just the emblems are missing.

The plans I have for it right now are to add more moves to the players; make the League Mode to be a classifying phase so you can take your own country (or a customized team) to the World Cup; improve the AI as much as I can; and if everything goes well add a multiplayer feature, but I've never worked on such a thing so I'm still clueless about it. Also I'll redesign the backgrounds, maybe add more stuff to the crowd in the back and add a more festive mood to the matches. So to let you have a look of what is there right now, here's a screenshot (& thanks to Tom for the advice on adding pics & stuff :P). Those are not the actual players, those are from the previous Head Action Soccer, just the uniforms are ok right now.
