martes, 31 de diciembre de 2013

The last post of the year (2013)

Or should I say "the only post of the year", or better yet, "the post of the year"? Once again another year comes to an end and once more I feel like I was writing the last post of last year just last week.

This year has been good and probably one of the more active game-development-wise. Around March and April, thank God, I had the opportunity to work with Cartoon Network to make a re-skin of Imbossible with a Teen Titans Go! theme. It was one of the most intense and gratifying experiences I've had. The whole process was awesome and I remember when I got the e-mail from one of FGL's staff telling me about the deal quite well.

You can find the game here, and I'm also showing a screenshot in the image below. I have to say that I loved the simple, yet balanced and cartoonishly amazing art from the show.

Then more important things happened: I partnered with to run a Spanish version of the site, which is centered around Math games and which also contains fun stuff. It's been great working on it so far, though we still haven't released the site officially.

Also I worked on some games for Mathnook, which are MathBulbs and Coin Count, as well as other versions of a previous game I made in the past with Math twists.

I also finished Autodestructor, which was sponsored by (a site from MathNook's network). This, I should say, was my first AS3 game. I know, a bit late to get on the bus, but I worked all my past games in AS2 until this year.

And finally, I'm working on a game (pontentially) called Shadowscape, which will be a challenging platformer with a twist in the middle of the game and its own life-gaining mechanic. It's basically finished, which was a goal I set to achieve before the year ended.

So I can only thank God once more and hope for to take off soon and for a bigger and better 2014, which I also hope you all have! Happy New Year and God bless!!